What do you want to do?
Applying for a grant
Grants are often available thoughout the year, and can be the cash flow boost you as a business need to take the next leap, buy that new bit of infrastructure or invest in building up your capabilities.
We currently specialise in the following grants:
- Research and Development Tax Incentive (R&D)
- Export Market Development Grant (EMDG)
- Federal and State COVID-19 support grants
Our team all have extensive business experience and have been successfully writing and applying for grants for a range of businesses like yours, successfully getting over $500k of extra spending money for our existing clients in the past 2 years.
The R&D Tax Incentive is a government incentive for businesses to develop new, exciting ways of business, and exists to motivate businesses to go out of their comfort zone.
The Incentive is based on Core and Supporting Activities. Core activities are those that are based on:
- new knowledge (things not known before)
- unknown outcomes (the end result could not be simply Googled based on your current business maturity or information levels)
- scientific process (defined steps in testing your hypotheses)
Supporting activities are those that have been undertaken to support Core activities.
If you believe you qualify for the grant, or you would like an expert opinion to understand your situation, get in touch.
The EMDG is a government support package, allowing companies who are exporting Australian goods or services internationally to claim a proportion of their eligible expenditure up to a total of $150k per financial year.
Examples of eligible expenditure are:
- a good made in Australia
- a good made outside Australia where Australia will derive a significant net benefit from its sale overseas
- all services except those explicitly specified as ineligible
- a tourism service (including accommodation, passenger transport or tours)
- a conference or event held in Australia
- an intellectual property right that mainly resulted from work done in Australia
- a trademark that was owned, assigned or first used in Australia
- know-how that mainly resulted from work done in Australia
If you believe you qualify for the grant, or you would like an expert opinion to understand your situation, get in touch.
COVID-19 (‘novel Coronavirus’) is the most disruptive set of events to affect the world for this generation, changing the way that business across industries and sizes operate and survive, with many businesses, unfortunately, shutting down due to closures, reduced traffic and a raft of other issues.
The Federal and State governments have announced a range of grants to help support businesses across Australia, with their own eligibility requirements based on the grant, industry, business situation, etc.
If you believe you qualify for any grant, or you would like an expert opinion to understand your situation, get in touch.
Growing your business
As a business owner, you want what’s best for your business and to help it grow and reach its true potential. Life often gets in the way, however, and you may end up working in the business, rather than on the business.
It’s times like this that an impartial, external viewpoint can help in unlocking the latent potential in your enterprise and reach that next stage. With a team with experience advising all sizes of businesses – startups to ASX50, we can help with:
- process optimisation
- procurement practices
- design
- business growth and development
We specialise in helping businesses in the manufacturing sector realise their full potential.
Processes a business follow can become bloated and inefficient over time, leading to businesses spending excess time, material or energy in actions which consume excess resources, eroding business profitability and stakeholder value.
Using a holistic, whole-of-business approach, we work with management to collaboratively develop an understanding of the status quo and suggestions for areas where efficiency gains, and hence profitability, may be maximised.
If you believe that we can add value to your business, get in touch.
Procurement and cost control is an essential and important part of running a business, but constantly and regular analysis of current procurement methods is required to minimise the cost of inputs.
We can work with your business to inform ways of bringing cost efficiencies into operations, through:
- analysis of alternate materials
- understanding the supplier landscape to find alternatives
- suggesting methods of procuring in bulk quantities to reduce per unit costing
- analysis of current procurement practices to suggest areas of improvement
If you believe that we can add value to your business, get in touch.
Good design can make or break an end-user experience, and having a cohesive language can encourage users to interact with your business and brand. Good design is not just pretty pictures and colours, but a story and vision which brings your business to life, and encourages people to understand who you are, what you stand for, and why they should trust you – a professional brand instills more confidence and gives people a reason to reach out to you and trust your expertise.
Developing a brand design also forces you to understand who you want to target – and why they should care about you. Understanding your target customer gives you the opportunity to develop a targeted brand positioning strategy.
We can work with you to build up a cohesive brand experience for your business, and develop:
- a clean and polished look
- a greater understanding of your ideal target customer
- consistency across online and offline platforms
If you believe that we can add value to your business, get in touch.
Sometimes you need someone to come in from the outside to remind you why you started your business, and help you reconnect with its roots and build a kickass product. We work with you to unlock your business’ true potential, and help identify areas where value can be added, leads can be honed, and strategies can be devised.
Our team have all run their own businesses, so they know what you face on a day-to-day basis, and can help with:
- marketing strategy
- new market development
- customer segmentation
- cost minimisation
- technology implementations
- and other areas involved in running a business
If you believe that we can add value to your business, get in touch.
Seeing your business performance
It’s important to be running your business as best you can, but sometimes it it’s very easy to lose sight of the metrics and make sure your business meets your targets and goals. Seeing your business performance in front of you lets you visualise key trends, understand customer profit contributions and spot problems before they occur.
We work with you to develop comprehensive dashboards to understand how your business is performing, what’s working well, and what you need to focus on to take that next leap to reach your goals.
Xero, MYOB, Quickbooks or something else running your business? We work with you to develop dashboards showing your customer breakdown, seeing what products move the most and what needs a little bit of care and love.
We work with you to develop comprehensive forecasts for your business based on real, actionable data, to help you make sure you’re reaching the right customers at the right time. If you think we can help, get in touch.
Inventory management is a key challenge for any business. You might think manufacturing businesses are the only ones who care about this process, but whether you procure labour from staff, widgets from suppliers or raw materials from growers, an effective and streamlined procurement strategy will allow you to be operating on a lean model with the right resources, when you need them. We will work with you to develop comprehensive dashboards to visualise your procurement strategy, usage trends and re-order and minimum levels to ensure you’re never caught out.
If you believe that we can add value to your business, get in touch.